The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology takes a leading position in the Austrian innovation system and a key role in Europe as the RTO focusing on the key infrastructure topics of the future.
AIT provides research and technological development to realize basic innovations for the next generation of infrastructure related technologies in the fields of Energy, Mobility Systems, Low-Emission Transport, Health & Bioresources, Digital Safety & Security, Vision, Automation & Control and Technology Experience. These technological research areas are supplemented by competence in the area of Innovation Systems & Policy.
As a national and international network node at the interface of science and industry, AIT enables innovation through its scientific-technological expertise, market experience, tight customer relationships and high-quality research infrastructure.
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TraiN-SafeMDs team at AIT

Winfried Neuhaus, PhD, Priv-Doc.
Principal scientists at Center Health and Bioresources Competence Unit Molecular Diagnostics at AIT
Responsible for the overall project management of the TraiN-Safe MDs project as well as activities conducted at AIT

Mrs. Grace Lin
PhD student at AIT (involved in the project in 2020-2021)
Grace has already established in vitro models of the oral mucosal epithelium as well as of salivary gland epithelia and is investigating the effects of the microenvironment in order to arrive at more complex and in vivo-like in vitro models. Within the project, she will learn how to extract compounds from test materials, how to analyse and describe them chemically and apply to the in vitro models for toxicity testing as an important application of her established models.

Mrs. Ana Špilak
PhD student at AIT
Early stage researcher at AIT in the proEVlifeCycle research and training program.
Focusing on the oral mucosal epithelium and microvesicles migration.